EMIs are no more a Great Option; it’s a Time for ‘Reverse EMIs’

                                                                                                                                                                       Blog By Reema Singhal 

EMIs are no more a Great Option; it’s a Time for ‘Reverse EMIs’

Thanks to the advancing market strategies which have made buyer a ‘king’ who can afford to buy anything that he wish for. Equated Monthly Installments (EMI) is one such methodology that has given buyers today a flexibility to buy any product at his discretion without any hassles of having any considerable savings.EMI, no doubt has been projected as a boon to the budgeted income class who can meet their contingencies and delay the payments with equated monthly installments.
Several propositions have been laid emphasizing EMI an ultimate choice that solves the problems of ‘constrained budgets’ with a blink of eye. But the question arises, Is EMI a great option or just a gimmick? Well, several companies’ turns up with lucrative propositions like Interest-Free EMIs but a fact cannot be ignored ‘Everything comes with a price-tag’. Acquiring a product on EMI is like acquiring a non-cash loan that in no way can be interest free.
The only gimmick that has been played by many companies so far is that they are actually inflating the pricing of a product instead charging an interest over EMI. For example, if you noticed, in case you buy a mobile with an instant cash payment, you receive discounts and cash back which are missing in case you opt for EMI. 
So, a buyer is duped on the pretext of interest-free EMI by eliminating the cash back benefits and discount benefits which he/she can receive when make an instant cash benefit. So, the price differential between the total price paid under EMI and the pricing under instant cash payment is quite equivalent to the interest paid over the EMIs.

It has been cleared so far that every consumer needs to pay an interest over EMIs  but the quantum is still not validated and it varies from companies to companies. On an average, it has been observed that the interest paid over EMIs varies from 17%-22%. Hence, every purchase financed with EMI is backed with such a hefty interest rate. So, to avoid paying such robust interests, ‘Reverse EMI’ is a gen-next solution.

What is ‘Reverse EMI’  ?

‘Reverse EMI’ is the concept of equating your monthly installments pre-hand i.e. before buying a product and accumulate the finances till the point of purchase so that the buyer can avail various cash backs and discounts that are available over cash payments. Under many circumstances, it has been observed that the pricing of a product deflates over a period of time. So, if you as a buyer who can delay their purchase, Reverse EMI will turn out to be a win-win situation for you. Not just the cash-backs and discounts that you can enjoy under Reverse EMI, you will also enjoy the diminishing pricing benefits of a product over the period of time.

How ‘Reverse EMI’ is better than EMI ?

Two major cost-saving benefits that you derive under Reverse EMI are non-payment of interest and the diminished pricing of the product. For example, if you buy a product today for Rs. 20000/-, you shall be required to pay EMI equivalent to its pricing but if you opt for a cash payment, you shall be lured with various discount schemes and benefits. Say, if 10% promotional discount is offered over making a cash payment then a buyer is benefited with a discount of Rs. 2000/-. 

Is reverse EMI Overlapping the Concept of Saving  ?

Yes, to an extent ‘Reverse EMI’ is same as the concept of saving. You save a considerable amount every month to fund your future purchase. The only difference between the two is, savings are basically a contingency reserve which can be utilized in the hour of need while Reverse EMIs are created with the virtue of sourcing your particular purchase so that you can save on account of interests or derive cash-payment benefits as a buyer.

When ‘Reverse EMI’ is Feasible ?

Reverse EMI is only feasible when you can delay your purchase for a considerable time. In case, you have an option to post-phone your requirements for a particular product then it is highly recommended to opt for Reverse EMI. Not just you will save on account of interest payments but also you will derive the diminishing price difference of that commodity.

Hence, reverse EMI is no doubt a better option to deal with as the dependency over loans to meet the requirements can be curbed with this Great Methadalogy.

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FinTech  Blogger of Asia  

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कठिन परिस्थितियोँ मेँ
संघर्ष करने पर एक
बहुमूल्य संपत्ति
विकसित होती है,
जिसका नाम है

Communication can Make or Break a Relationship. (HR)

Communication can Make or Break a Relationship. (HR)

For every individual, it is very important to have good communication skills so as to express the same feeling which he is having and to able to convey the same to others. People often get into misunderstandings because there is lack of communication which may turn out to be a big quarrel and spoil their relations as well. This can be totally avoided with proper communication between one individual to another. Importance of communication is all over starting from our parents the way we talk to them to our bosses in the corporate world. Being an HR it is all the more important in each and every aspect that they deal.

An HR manager should be capable of managing people and have a positive approach towards his subordinates or the employees in the organization. A manager is supposed to create good relations with the employees so as to make the employees also comfortable and not hesitate if they need any kind of help. This would create an employee-friendly environment and that would yield better results in favor of the company.

 Through this manager should also help the employee t work hard and communicate in such a way that they understand and ask them to set their own goals initially and then target to a bigger goal.its all in the hands of an HR how he is able to understand the individual and helping him and guiding him to the path of success.

This can also turn out to a completely opposite way if a manager does not take a proper care of his subordinates then those employees will start developing a negative attitude towards the organization as they are not been given proper facilities nor training and just expect them to work all day and reach their targets. If there is a communication gap between the major roles supervisor and the employee the organization cannot stand on its own, there would be many misunderstandings build up and company may not be reaching its goals.

So I conclude saying that whatever post an HR may be there should not be any kind of inequality shown among the employees and they should be treated and even understand their needs and take proper measures to fulfill their needs. They can take the help of different kinds of communication such as oral communication, written communication in the feedback form, verbal communication, non-verbal communication by their actions and behavior. This will help a company prosper.

BBA Second Year, Bhavan's

# oral_written_communication

 By: Akkumahanthi Sowmya
      BBA Second year, Bhavan's
Twitter: @sowmya_12



Important Financial Tips

Some very Important Financial Tips that everyone should know ....

1. Avoid buying property on loans as it eats most of your earnings unless you have a clear plan for its repayment. It's important to monitor cash flow. Though, the house will be your asset, your liability will be much more.

2. Start a SIP at a very young age. Try to save atleast 15–25 % of your earnings.

3. Avoid buying a car unless you use it everyday.
4. Do not let this sentence scare you. “Mutual fund investment are subject to market risk. Please read the offer documents carefully before investing”. Most people avoid investing in mutual funds just because of this one warning. Yes, there is a market risk, but look at the history and growth of mutual funds.

5. Try having a simple wedding.

6. Atleast 20% of your wealth should be liquid so you can utilize it when necessary.

7. Considering inflation, you are actually losing money if it is in savings bank account. Do not keep huge money in savings bank account.

8. If you invest in stocks, pay due attention.

9. If you invest in stocks have a separate account for delivery investment and Intraday investment. It is easy to monitor this way and also makes tax calculation easy

10. Do not have a belief that property and car make you rich. Its what you save and invest, that is important.

11. Never invest in insurance for returns. Insurance is not an investment option. It is a risk management tool.

12. Never use credit cards for lavish spending. Use credit cards intelligently and for needs not for wants.

13. Cancel all credit cards before you die. Or inform family about all your accounts, credit cards, loans and saving now itself.  Even a small residue will cost your family much.

14. Invest on yourself and then on other investments.

15. Always try to balance your earnings with your savings first, then on  spending and loans. Never take unnecessary loans. Always have reserve and utilise them and unless no other go never take loan.

16. Always have a plan for future events on your career, life, spending and finance.

17. Always have a reserve on your savings for contingency and urgent situations.

18. Your personal life and health are the most important investment. Do have a regular health check and do healthy workout every day. Stay healthy and live happily.



कुछ बहुत महत्वपूर्ण वित्तीय युक्तियां जो सभी को जानना चाहिए ....

1. ऋण पर संपत्ति खरीदने से बचें, क्योंकि यह आपकी अधिकांश कमाई खाती है, जब तक आपके पास पुनर्भुगतान के लिए कोई स्पष्ट योजना नहीं है। कैश फ्लो की निगरानी करना महत्वपूर्ण है हालांकि, यह घर आपकी संपत्ति होगी, आपकी देयता बहुत अधिक होगी।

2. बहुत कम उम्र में एसआईपी शुरू करें। अपनी आय का कम से कम 15-25% बचत करने का प्रयास करें

3. कार खरीदने से बचें, जब तक आप इसे हर रोज नहीं इस्तेमाल करते हैं

4. इस वाक्य को डरा नहीं दें। "म्युचुअल फंड निवेश बाजार जोखिम के अधीन हैं निवेश करने से पहले कृपया दस्तावेजों को ध्यान से पढ़ें "। ज्यादातर लोग इस एक चेतावनी के कारण सिर्फ म्यूचुअल फंड में निवेश नहीं करते हैं। हां, एक बाजार जोखिम है, लेकिन म्यूचुअल फंड्स के इतिहास और विकास को देखो।

5. एक साधारण शादी की कोशिश करो।

6. आपके कम से कम 20% धन तरल होना चाहिए ताकि आवश्यक हो जब आप इसे उपयोग कर सकें।

7. मुद्रास्फीति को देखते हुए, यदि आप बचत बैंक खाते में हैं तो आप वास्तव में पैसे खो रहे हैं। बचत बैंक खाते में भारी धन न रखें।

8. यदि आप शेयरों में निवेश करते हैं, तो ध्यान दें

9. यदि आप शेयरों में निवेश करते हैं तो डिलीवरी निवेश और इन्ट्राडे निवेश के लिए एक अलग खाता है। इस तरह की निगरानी करना आसान है और यह भी कर गणना आसान बनाता है

10. विश्वास नहीं है कि संपत्ति और कार आपको समृद्ध बनाते हैं। इसकी जो भी आप बचाते हैं और निवेश करते हैं, वह महत्वपूर्ण है।

11. कभी रिटर्न के लिए बीमा में निवेश न करें बीमा एक निवेश विकल्प नहीं है यह एक जोखिम प्रबंधन उपकरण है

12. भव्य खर्च के लिए कभी भी क्रेडिट कार्ड का उपयोग न करें। क्रेडिट कार्ड का उपयोग बुद्धिमानी से करें और जरूरतों के लिए नहीं।

13. अपने मरने से पहले सभी क्रेडिट कार्ड रद्द करें। या अपने सभी खातों, क्रेडिट कार्ड, ऋण और खुद को बचाने के बारे में परिवार को सूचित करें। यहां तक कि एक छोटे से अवशेष आपके परिवार को ज्यादा खर्च होंगे

14. अपने आप पर निवेश करें और फिर अन्य निवेशों पर।

15. हमेशा अपनी आय को अपनी बचत के साथ पहले संतुलन रखने की कोशिश करें, फिर खर्च और ऋण पर। अनावश्यक ऋण न लें हमेशा आरक्षित और उनका उपयोग करें और जब तक कि कोई अन्य ऋण न ले जाएं

16. अपने करियर, जीवन, खर्च और वित्त पर भविष्य की घटनाओं के लिए हमेशा एक योजना बनाएं।

17. आकस्मिक और तत्काल स्थितियों के लिए आपकी बचत पर हमेशा एक आरक्षित राशि है।

18. आपकी व्यक्तिगत जीवन और स्वास्थ्य सबसे महत्वपूर्ण निवेश हैं नियमित स्वास्थ्य की जांच करें और हर दिन स्वस्थ कसरत करें स्वस्थ रहें और खुशी से रहें

Alfa Bloggers Promotion SUCCESS IS AS EASY AS 1 2 3

Alfa Bloggers Promotion

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2 Hit your daily goal That’s what pops up the Mission Wheel -- which converts your earnings to cash outs and shopping Learn more

3 Earn mission points That’s what grows the wheel’s prizes (cash and shopping) 

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Blogger Promotion Group. 

We know how hard it is to get Your 
Blog, Channel or Site to grow so 
We decided to open a group that is for 
every kind of Blog ! 

EVERYONE is welcome. 

You have to follow these rules, so we can Stand 
Stronger and grow Together :

- Share your links in the threads! We accept threads for YouTube, Facebook (Like4Like), Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Collaboration.

-We do NOT! Want to see Bullying, Bashing, Offending, Fights. 

We do NOT! Want to see NUDITY, RACISME, SEXISME or ANY inappropriate post! If you do NOT follow these rules, 
We will kick you out the group and block you.

- Most off all I do not want to see SPAM ! 
Any suspicious post will be deleted and you will be blocked. 

We all want to grow, so stick together and support each other. ?? ?? ?? ??

All inquiries regarding Promotions in the banner, pinned post or any other kind of business inquiries shall be sent to the following eMail :


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Write more. ...
Promote with social media. ...
Write better titles. ...
Know your niche. ...
Include photos. ...
Incorporate keywords. ...
Incorporate links. ...
Add social sharing buttons.

#Personal Loan 
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Introduction to Global Recession Vs Global Depression

Introduction to Global Recession & Global Depression

Global Recession is a decline in the economic state all around the world. The International Monetary Fund also known as IMF uses a broad set of ideas to calculate the recessions around the world, which includes per capita gross domestic product worldwide. This drop in the economy can be for few months, it is clearly visible industrial production, employment, real income and wholesale-retail trade. A recession is just one of the part of the business cycle which is albeit unpleasant. These may be one-time crisis events can often trigger the onset of a recession. 

There can be huge risks involved in the investment strategies used in the financial organizations along with the global nature of the financial system and this was brought to the limelight by a recession in the year 2007-2009. As a result of such massive global recession, the developed and developing nations had to face certain setbacks. There have been a number of government policies formulated in order to prevent any kind of such huge recession in the future. Generally, a recession lasts from six months to eighteen months and the interest rates usually fall in these months to stimulate the in an economy.

As stated by IMF, there have been 4 global recessions since world war 2,  1975, 1982, 1991, 2009. 2009 recession that which took place was the deepest and widest of them all. And then since 2010, the world economy has been recovering slowly.

Global Depression is an extension of a recession that has years, not quarters of economic contraction. It is a severe downturn that would last for several years. There was one the biggest global depression named great depression that has lasted for more than 10 years.

 And as records say the magnitude could be like 1930: -8.6% ; 1931: -6.5% ; 1932: -13.1% ; 1933: -1.3% ; 1938: -3.4% and during the great depression the unemployment rate was around 25% wages have fallen down to 42%. The total of U.S. economic output fell from $103 to $50 billion you can clearly how badly the economy is getting affected.

An economic depression is devastating that, it almost takes a storm to create one. Many experts say that depression becomes more intensified by contractionary monetary policy. There was initially as the slow decline in the market on the year 1920, but once the stock market crashed, the Fed kept increasing the interest rates to defend the global standard. They did not supply the money to the market with excess but then made the money supply fall up to 30%, that has resulted in the decline in the prices by 10% each year. The whole procedure created a massive deflation in the economy. Thereby real estate prices also crashed to 25%.

BBA Second Year, Bhavan's

Alfa Bloggers Promotion

Dear Fellow  Bloggers

We welcome you to a new 
Blogger Promotion Group. 

We know how hard it is to get Your 
Blog, Channel or Site to grow so 
We decided to open a group that is for 
every kind of Blog ! 

EVERYONE is welcome. 

You have to follow these rules, so we can Stand 
Stronger and grow Together :

- Share your links in the threads! We accept threads for YouTube, Facebook (Like4Like), Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Collaboration.

-We do NOT! Want to see Bullying, Bashing, Offending, Fights. 

We do NOT! Want to see NUDITY, RACISME, SEXISME or ANY inappropriate post! If you do NOT follow these rules, 
We will kick you out the group and block you.

- Most off all I do not want to see SPAM ! 
Any suspicious post will be deleted and you will be blocked. 

We all want to grow, so stick together and support each other. ?? ?? ?? ??

All inquiries regarding Promotions in the banner, pinned post or any other kind of business inquiries shall be sent to the following eMail :

Only upfront payments. 

By: Akkumahanthi Sowmya
      BBA Second year, Bhavan's
Twitter: @sowmya_12

#global recession
#affects of global recession
#global depression
#great depression
#causes of great depression