Money vs Ethics
By Neha Mittal CW
#Money vs Love
#Money vs Respect
#Money vs Moral values
#Money vs honesty
Money may sound as the most attractive word since ages. It grabs everyone’s attention whenever it speak through its shine. Money often challenges love, respect, honesty, moral values easily.
A low salaried man/ woman loses his/her dignity often publicly because the family members give more weightage to the status.
A girl with low financial background may not get the deserved respect in her husband’s house due to several comparisons. These are instances of Respect vs Money.
Someone may lose his moral values in exchange of few bugs transferred by mistake due to writing wrong digit while typing phone number- this is an example of Moral values vs Money
Someone may desire to switch to other person shining with more Financial Power- this is an example of Love vs Money.
Money often makes us blind and we overlook how other’s would feel. Since we nurture this as our attitude we land up hurting our family members too without realizing. Try to put yourself in other’s shoe and feel the need of the moment. Your controlled reaction may overload someone with happiness, love, respect and your soul may win the match over money. This will empower you more.
Habits helps in development of our personality which is reflected in our attitude. Making this as our attitude that we should not react considering others financially powerless. Team spirit, family bond is often observed as Strength beyond money Power.
Having the right attitude will help us develop a lot of good habits and empower us every time to keep moving or even get up when we fall. Our soul will live forever. There will be countless people who cry when we die, just if we utilize the power of money in right and justified manner. Developing the attitude of extending a helping hand to other’s rather than humiliating them.
All the money you made will never buy back your soul. Money is not everything but is probably just second to Oxygen.
It's worth it- if you feel it.
H@ppy Reforming
Be the change to see the change for personal development
Neha Mittal
Front Line Warrior
MCA, Banasthali Vidyapith, Tonk
BCA, GEIT , Dehradun
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